I am back once again. After months of leaving the world of blogging,I have finally decided to resurrect my blog. Yet, I have tons of stuff to post but I don't know which to begin. Give me some time alright? The main reason I abandon my blog because I hate to see the previous blog skin. I felt so much of negativity and I am not comfortable with it. I wanted to come out with my own blogskin with Photoshop. Unfortunately I am still in the learning progress. I always want to blog when my idea comes but my laziness stop me form doing that.
Lets start,
with Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen.

The movie that every Transformers' fans were waiting painfully after the first part. I would is a great movie. One of the best movie in this year I have watched. I had to skipped my 6 hours of lecture yesterday just to watch this movie. I knew I could not concentrate. Anyway is just the beginning of the semester, and the lecturers were lousy, who cares anyway. The moment I walked from the hall, I still feel that skipping 6 hours of lectures is still worth.

I managed to get my ticket 3 hours before the movie. I don't think I can do that in KL. I heard the tickets were selling like hotcakes. The earliest will be next week I guess.

Optimus Prime, my all time childhood hero. He is voiced by Peter Cullen, the guy who voiced Optimus ever since the anime I watched when I was a kid. I got so emotional when I heard his voice even in the hall. Overall the plot of the movie is a lil bit of messy but who cares. I am paying RM6 for the actions and Megan Fox. What else to complain.
I am some kind of movie freak nowadays, spending most of my free time watching movies and series. I am free now and I enjoy watching videos so much. I guess that is enough for today.
Yours truly,
Ivan Au, Autobots, roll out!