So I was on the way back to Subang in the evening in the highway.
In the midway, it was raining heavily.
I saw a trailer full of rocks hits the divider and I was travelling at the second lane. The next thing I know that there is a huge rock in front of me and I tried my best to evade the rock.
Then what I heard is some loud sound coming out from tyre.
I decided to park my car at the side to check it out.
And this is what I saw,

I had to change to my spare tyre at the middle of heavy rain and halfway of my journey. It wasn't easy to solo everything since I was a noob. Guess what? I am not the only one who hits the rock.I saw 2 cars in front of me and another 2 cars behind of me doing the thing as me. I guess they hit that rock as well.I am fucking pissed right now figuring where to fix my car.
Had to buy another tyre. There goes my money and there goes my plan for futsal tomoro morning...sigh
Signing off,
Ivan Au, emoing....
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My blog looks dead.
Sorry guys, it has been for some time since I last update it.
I am lazy actually.
So, there goes my so called 'semester break'.
Well, tomorrow is gonna be a new and fresh start of another semester.
Results? not pretty satisfy but glad that I passed every subject.
My holiday wasn't productive at all actually. I spent all my time sitting at home rotting.
So now , I am back at Malacca. I just watched James Bond. Not bad actually but still those 'must watch word class classic' movie for me. Compared to Pierce Brosnan version of James Bond,

where in the every single episode of James Bond. For sure there are tons of super high tech of gadgets and super powerful weapon equipped in a sport car are introduced in the film where as for the current version of James Bond, Daniel Craig. No more gadgets and powerful cars. I find it more realistic for an agent. I do not think he is good looking compared to Brosnan. I am wondering what happen if
Julian McMahon, the fellow who holds the role of Dr Christian Troy in Nip / Tuck since he was one of the James Bond candidate after Brosnan. butI prefer the current version of JB that goes with a smooth and nice storyline.
Next movie to watch,
MadagascarEnough of movies, move to football.
ARSENAL 2 - 1 MAN UTDNo doubt is a fair win after throwing so many points from those easy matches.
What makes me really really angry was the articles from The Star.Yes, the english The Star paper. The Friday paper. The fellow wrote the football section was a real bastard. I knew many of the authors were the fans of Man Utd, but this fellow wrote until it was a simply and sure win match for them and critize the Gunners like shit. To me, sorry. I don't you deserve to be a football fans. You are just another piece shame to your club. so, what is today's headlines?
Is just a simple title
Serves you right that you got nothing to write. I wonder how you write if United won last night.
SHAME ON YOUthe fella who named Richard Lim
Lastly, DD!!!!
nothing much to you but a sweet old I Love You is a must mention here everytime I update right?

Well, is time to sign off then.
Yours truly,
Ivan Au, Name is Bond,James Bond....Wulalala
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